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8/2/2024 It's National Coloring Book Day!

Today is National Coloring Book Day! Today is to recognizes the joy children and adults alike derive from coloring in pages of designs....

8/1/2024 My Cooking Has Changed...

If I do cook, it's usually pasta or baked potato, veggies, a prepare salads (also available all ready to mix) or a one pot dish. The...

7/31/2024 Hot... Hot... Days!

Is it too hot to ride? All depends on what you can handle and how you prep and take care of yourself along the way (ie - water and...

7/30/2024 Deep Thoughts...

Remember a post I'd posted a few years ago. Still rings true for me. Evaluating the world we are in today brings to mind how importantly...

7/29/2024... It's Monday!

Monday is the start of the week and it has always been the unspoken enemy of people who totally enjoyed their weekends. Well, that’s...

7/28/2024 Sunday's Thoughts...

There are many blessings from our God that come with age: retirement, grandchildren, travel, and life experiences. Today's culture...

7/27/2024 The Ride Began Years Ago...

For many of us of a certain age, an age before helmet laws, personal injury attorneys and when all we had to do was “be home before 10...

7/26/2024 Found A Delightful Way To Shine...

Some are obsessed with having a pristine, spotless bike, and for me, there’s no better feeling than scrubbing and polishing my bikes...

7/25/2024 No Hallmark Ending...

This January I had found a name that had been with me for many years. I had lost and laid to rest a man with whom I could not have loved...

7/24/2024... "Vin Yelk"

Five years ago I wrote about a love I had carried with me for near 50 years. My confessions starts below... "He might as well been a...

7/23/2024 Ugh Housework & Chores...

Here’s the thing. I think my mother ruined me on housework. People attend to what they value. My mother came from a generation that...

7/22/2024 Learning To Live!

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar As I...

7/21/2024 Unique Fact...

On my quest to learn something new each day, I ran into a few fact I never thought about until today. Arkansas holds a unique...

7/20/2024 What Calls You?

What in your life is calling you? When all the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned, the lists laid aside and the wild iris blooms...

7/19/2024 Friday's Check List...

For many people, even retired people, Friday is a great day to CHASE "your "To Do List"... "You know... that list you have put off all...

7/17/2024 The Gezzer's Fun Tuesday...

Yesterday was my fun run day to Springfield. I had a lunch & movie day... I tried a new restaurant that was really good. The "Greek...

7/16/2024 It Just Things...

I read a post from a Women In The Wind Motorcycle site where she lost her Ride Vest. It got me to pondering "things." We can ask...

7/15/2024 Somebody Close Hell's Door...

Beware and be careful these days. Throughout our Midwest we are experiencing a heat wave. In fact forecast for Washington D.C. heat...

7/14/2024 Hi Ho Off I Went To Urgent Care...

Yesterday I finally gave up and went to Urgent Care near me. My back spasms were not any better. They gave me a anti inflammatory...

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