Southward we drove with a few rain drops greeting us along the way. However, we were definately rejoicing the warmer temperatures.
Then as we started to notice the changing scenery we realized that our "truck switcharoo" as we left Missouri brought us additional little items to attend to on "Big Jimbo"... my affectionate name for the 1 ton truck. New wiper blades were top of the list to be replenished along with more snacks at the ever so plentiful Wal-Marts.

Ironically we drove along munching on our snowballs & shedding the coats near Arlington House, Lake Providence, LA.
We marveled at the differences still evident of the Southern landscape. Those plantation owners sure had it made. Too bad the Union burned most of their houses down. Arlington House survived only because some of Grant’s officers had taken up residence there.
Still left were the many sharecropper shannies. A blunt reminder of American history.

As the daylight faded we stopped at a Southern chain "Ward's" and enjoyed their Chilli Cheese Burger and Homemade Rootbeer. It wasss Yummy!

It was another great day in America...