The sound of the pounding rain
pattering on the roof lulls into a sense of calm. Then thunder rumbles and a bolt of lightning streaks across the sky.

This morning the towering cumulus cloud has continued to grow in height and width and now lightning is occurring.
Typical of these storms it may extend 5 to 10 miles high into the atmosphere and 5 to 25 miles across.
I'm laying here in bed now experiencing heavy rain, gusty winds and thunder that often accompany these storms.

I guess it will be a day fit for snoozing!
However, have you ever wondered... Why does rain and thunder sound seem to make us sleepy?
After researching this topic I found out that along with the low air pressure, the air is also filled with a lot of water vapor. The combination of low air pressure and water vapor inadvertently lowers the oxygen levels in the air, making our brain feel tired.
When it rains, negative ions are released and that leads to people feeling more relaxed and comfortable.
So today and probably tomorrow will be days for the snooze fest or either days with my knee throbbing alerting me it's definitely storming.
Guess I will not fight Mother Nature and enjoy the inside rest or if I get over my stupor, I'll go to work on some of my inside work projects.
Hope Ya'll Day Goes Smoothly... I'll be just sitting here watching the rain!