Sitting here watching the fireplace and trying to warm up on these cold chilling days. I am amazed that it is the last day of November 2021 already. I can barely believe that tomorrow December will finally arrive – one last month to get through in this crazy year. I’ve been allowing myself to at least think about the coming year, what I would like to do and what I would like to accomplish, along with what isn’t going to happen (more travel or not) and how we’re going to manage that.
Some of what I’ve been thinking about has been coming together and there will be some posts coming up about where we want to go and how we’re going to get there.
I am a stickler on tradition. Many start their Christmas tree & decorations immediately after Thanksgiving. I refuse to begin until the first day of December. Then it will be right with the cosmic world to: Hang the Christmas lights, get out the egg nog, bake those pies & cookies and enjoy the food comas all month!
Lookout January 2022 is on it's way!