I love books and even newspapers, or a good magazine. It’s not just the reading I enjoy. I love the sound & smell that a book has as you hold it. Some may have a musty essence but I am ok with that. It makes me wonder where it has been, all those years. What hands have held it, and who has flipped its pages over the years. I imagine an old book’s previous readers, as maybe an ancient scholar or something. I never really imagine a coughing, sneezing, phlegm producing old codger sitting on the toilet with his hands on my old novel.
I have hundreds of books I can’t bring myself to get rid of them. Though realize that most of them will never be read again; it’s fun to look at them from time to time. I can remember whatever was going on in my life at the time I read a particular book, or even how that book might have changed my view & how I think about life. Seeing my copy of Angela's ashes conjures up thoughts of my great grandparents giving up all they knew to make the journey from Germany to start a fresh new life in America during the late 1800's.
Today I’m concerned that, more and more, people are getting their news from the computer or TV.
The local newspaper is a thing of the past. People now just download novels onto their laptops or Kindle readers and read them on their electronic devices. I don’t get it. It’s just not the same as holding a book, newspaper, or magazine in your hands and turning the pages.
The irony is I am posting this on the Web for you to read. Oh well, I still miss the old ways!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day...