Cabin fever had taken hold. I had spent 5 days locked inside the house and I confess that I have cooked more meals lately than in the last 12 months. Our overall food bill actually should go down with all the home vittles.
I certainly don't hear anyone complaining about meals. We have eaten very well indeed.
I found myself anxious to feel the sun on my face, child-like I bounded out of the house. We drove around Pomme De Terre Lake enjoying the beautifulI day without getting out of the car. People were getting out this gorgeous day. More people than I ever expected.

Some certainly did not adhere to the social distance of 6'.

I drove to all my favorite places sharing my memories of days gone by. It was delightfully entertaining and especially appreciated after days of cooking, cleaning, and seeing 4 walls for far longer than I expected. To make matters worse the internet has not been up to par during this time. My pictures are very hard to load. Maybe more later.
I understand the strain is on everyone. Take Care & Be Safe!
We have been cooking too, a lot... last night was fried deer meat and fried squash...Haven’t bought a single meal anywhere since y’all came thru... We aren’t afraid to eat home cooked meals with family/friends who we know are still safe but haven’t hit a single drive thru or anything..... I am really liking this home cooked meal thing.... Reminds me of my childhood when every meal was that way....