Well yesterday was a fluid day in many ways. Yes it was hot trying to finish cleaning out my Cargo Trailer & get my Trike Garaged Again.
So I just did what was only absolutely necessary for the job.
However, fluid in that I actually spent yesterday doing nothing I had originally planned.
I went by the bank and dodged workmen as I entered so I forgot my savings card then I just cashed my check and pocketed it instead.
The restaurant I had planned to eat was a spontaneous change when I realized it also was too crowded for my taste of a leisurely day.
I found my old stand by McDonald's with a free reward of a McChicken and soda. It would do in a pinch.
Then the traffic began backing up on the way home so I zipped around slower streets and finally made it back to Ozark, MO.
However, today is different...
I will do exactly as planned. I will tell my Son In-law Happy Birthday!
Dan, I’m so grateful today and every day for a son-in-law as dependable, protective and loving as you are.
You have always been good to me and willing to help me any time I needed you.
Having you in our family to watch over Sarah and Lucas gives me happiness that they are safe and cherished.
Thank you for giving me that priceless comfort.
Happy Birthday, Dan (Joey)... I hope you have a great day & see ya'll soon! 🎂🎈