Yesterday I was out running errands & shopping other counties flea markets.
On the way back I serendipitously decided to take the long way back to my place.
I’ve always loved taking the long way home.

In fact it brought back memories with my Dad.

I even remember as a "little kid" sitting in the back seat when driving home at night and hoping my dad would take a few extra turns before heading home.
And he always would and I don’t really remember ever having to ask.
He once told me that he had always hoped for the same thing when he was a kid.
When he would finally pull into our driveway, and as a very young child I would sometimes be asleep or if not pretend to be asleep so I would be carried up to bed.
I don’t know exactly what it is that I liked about taking the long way home.
Just that it was time where we were all together.
Sometimes we were belting out a random country western songs that came on the radio, laughing and having fun.
And other times we were quiet, not needing to say anything, just enjoying being together.
Yesterday when I got into the car to go home, I almost thought I would just driving straight back: I was pretty close anyway. But just as I was nearly home, I turned to take a detour.
If I’m honest, I nearly cried. It seemed like so long since the last time I had carried out this tradition. And... yesterday it just seemed right.
I've missed my Dad these years that have rolled on by.
I've missed the little things that were normal for our family, but were put on hold since he has been gone.
Taking the long way home meant a lot to me: it was like yesteryears & I was really going home with those memories of Dad.
I have realized just how much I'm like my Dad... His adventurous nature and love of spontaneity are all in me too!
Folks cherish those you love & those that are in your life now while you can.
Don't be surprised when your memories flood back one day. ❤️