As a “Biker Chick,” I actually "rode" the bikes all by myself (I loved being in charge of my own ride. I did not need a man that had to ride me around), wore the clothes, belonged to motorcycle riding groups and I loved leather if I could fit into it, the rumble of pipes, and the chortle of a carbureted engine. Loved it all!
This is the the bike this 12 year old's experienced... a souped up Mini Bike that started it all...
After that... A red Honda 100 that I named "Skelton" was my first motorcycle!
I wanted more of the same— bigger bikes, a bagger, then a trike.
"Stutz" (Kaw KZ750) was the first muscle bike I shared with my sweet husband.
Nightly (a Kaw 440 LTD) and I stole some miles while my first kiddo came along.
Then after a second baby and a few years later, hubby and I rode off on a Honda 400 & his 550 4cyc.
Then "Betty" (Suzuki 800 Intruder) we put on many miles on the Intruders , I do mean many miles with my hubby... over 17 years owning them together.
She even took on a sidecar at one time.
Bought the "Beast” and I put on a few more miles along the journey.
After more than 270,000 miles of riding, I started to worry about riding with knee injuries & hubby's health. It was time for a new type bike.
Though it felt like giving up my kid for adoption, after 17 years with his bike and more than half million total miles on all bikes, I had to be practical and think about a trike kit for him.
First was "Blue Goose" a add on Trip Trike which worked for a few years but did not work for a two up when hubby could not operate a bike any longer.
"Rosebud" (Red Honda Trike) was the ticket. After a new engine I renamed it "Phoenix"
However, when "Rosebud" was put in for repairs, the loss of husband & ride was too much to bare so I got "Tilly" (Yamaha Tourer) to relieve my sorrow & addiction with riding. After almost 30k miles on Tilly, it was like having an affair with a younger man.
I was refreshed and enthralled—I was hell on wheels! 😎
I have enjoyed the ride for many years. Riding has gotten me through some tough times. Therapy In The Wind Works For Me!
I heading home soon on "Phoenix" & pulling my Hot Shot Bed Roll.
Gonna Ride Like I Stole It... Well Maybe Not That Fast! 😄
See Ya Along The Road...