Hey, I keep tract of these things like this...

Did you know that the fleet of beloved Wienermobile will hit the road this summer with a new name?
Yep is will now be known as – The Frankmobile.
The name change is in honor of the brand’s 100% beef franks’ new recipe.
The fleet of six Frankmobiles features new exterior decals, including one that reads “please do not lick.”😂
Instead of having the iconic Hotdoggers behind the wheel, the new drivers are called Frankfurters.
The company is also introducing a new Frank for Franks program... Anyone with an iteration of the name Frank can get a coupon for a free pack of beef franks.
Oscar Mayer said this is the first time the vehicle has changed names since 1936.
Well I not only Wish I had an Oscar Mayer 🌭🎶 ~ I wish my name was Frank so I could have a free pack! 😂