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6/5/2023 The Best Life On This Spinning Ball...

Another Day Of Motivation And Counting Our Blessings! When traveling through life, you’ll meet some of the world’s most inspirational...

5/31/2023 In Remembrance...

Today nine years ago I lost my other half, my love. My grief may changes shape but never ends. I realize that grief doesn’t follow the...

5/29/2023 Memorial Day Remenberance...

Memorial Day is much more than just a three-day weekend and a chance to hold your awesome bbq. It's a time to remember the men and women...

5/28/2023 Always A Rebel...

Can you believe on this date in 1923, the US Attorney General said it was legal for women to wear trousers anywhere. Of all the long...

5/27/2023 It's Memorial Weekend...

It was that time for giving a sample of my blood for INR & Prothrombin Time so I rolled out "Phoenix" once again and enjoyed the day....

5/26/2023 My Kind Of Happy Hour...

Yesterday I rang up my daughter, Sarah and suggest a mom & daughter afternoon lunch. We finally decided on a convenient place to meet...

5/25/2023 What A Day!

Yesterday was a very busy schedule... At 8:00am I had to be at the Ford dealership to meet the insurance adjuster for the hail damage to...

5/24/2023 Back To Riding The Neighborhood...

All work & no play makes Nana a dull gal! So the tires were aired and trike was ready to roll yesterday. I could not have asked for...

5/23/2023 Ugh... The Jungle is mowed!

I think I've had a good start to a jungle. Maybe all I need now is a tall fence and a few lions, tigers and monkeys. 😅 I think my weeds...

5/22/2023 Monday's Words Of Reflection...

Don't have Mistaken Identity... A man riding a motorcycle was being tailgated by a stressed out woman on a busy boulevard, when suddenly,...

5/21/2023 Who Would Have Thunk It...

An interesting fact or maybe not... Manure: In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also...

5/20/2023 Saturday's Musings...

No clever or punny titles out of me today. I know... I've brought shame upon my family and even my dog if I had one, by not punning...

5/19/2023 It's Frankmobiles Now...

Hey, I keep tract of these things like this... Did you know that the fleet of beloved Wienermobile will hit the road this summer with a...

5/18/2023 It's Freshly Squeezed Day!

Today is the day for that detestable Mammogram! 😵‍💫 The Truth & Nothing But The Truth... We (women) need to be coaxed because there...

5/16/2023 My Foodie Adventures...

Yesterday started out an ordinary Monday. No big plans for me but the usual breakfast, dishes and straighten up the house or thoughts of...

5/15/2023 I've Been Everywhere...

Well... Maybe not everywhere but I'm working on it! Vience, Italy via Las Vegas! Bryce Canyon, Utah... Grand Canyon, Arizona......

5/13/2023 More Roads...

I'm always up for a road trip but never thought about Ocean Avenue. However, according to an article in IFL Science, a team of diving...

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