Several years ago I bit the bullet and forked out the money for a top grain charcoal gray power loveseat recliner for my living room.
It was not the same one that I looked at first but the deal was a sweet clearance floor item due to the fact they could not get anymore from dealer for an unknown time. I had heard it was due to stuff back then being delayed in those containers from China.
Anyway, it has been a great comfort to rest and enjoy evening tv.
However, now at the end of the month & until the 4th of the new month I am out of data to watch much TV and I'm too much of a tightwad to purchase more data since I'm already paying a little over $200 including home phone for Internet.🥴 I live in the boonies and TV signal is here is absolutely zero. The previous solution was Dish Network and it was actually as much and no internet.
Still the Viasat Satellite Internet is actually the best option.
Now I am at the dilemma of either forking out more $ or... my best bight idea of going to my local library where I could check out 7 (max allowed) series with multiple episodes on each DVDs to hold me over until the Internet refreshes. If those are not enough I'll take back what I've watched so far and check out more!💡
Tightwad here... just going through the DVD's... 🤣