Sorry nothing of worth. The weekly unpopular day is, "Laundry Day."
You can guess how much fun I am having doing the laundry... Loads!
You know I really do love doing laundry! Well, except for putting it in the dryer, taking it out and folding it and then putting it away. Lol.
I will have to say, "Whoever said death and taxes were the only guarantees in life obviously never had to do laundry!"
Anyway, I used my time while the loads of clothes were in washing and drying to clean up the Kitchen. There is one thing for sure... God may blesses this kitchen but He doesn't clean it!
A slogan I find myself agreeing more and more is: "A clean kitchen is the sign of a wasted life."
In fact my fool proof way to keep the kitchen clean is to eat out.
It was working nicely!
However, I made myself a lovely quiche for dinner.
I guess Karma is catching up and making me cook and clean for all those "A lick and promise to do a better job later."
If I would build another house, it will not have a kitchen or laundry room just vending machines.
Ya the Dream is real! Lol.
Enough kidding... Gotta go finish my job... I hope everyone has a wonderful day!