Bakerville Pioneer Village/Heritage Seed Store's "Summer Garden Festival" is chock-full of music and handmade goods. Vendors bring their wares, which include everything from jewelry to bread and pottery to jams. Their festivals are usually from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., but if you can’t make it to one of the festivals, don’t worry. Bakersville and the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed store are open Sunday through Friday.

After reading online about the event, I decided we would go with my granddaughter while on her summer visit.
We arrived and found handicapped parking about a 1/4 mile from the grounds. First impression was that it was the most funny handicapped parking I had ever witnessed. It appeared that you entered the parking and then it's straight up a hill, about the length of a football field to get to the seed store and other shops, which was our ultimate reason for going. However, to our delight there was an extended golf cart carrier to escort us up the hill. Ya!👏
The first thing on the agenda was their restaurant meal with an entree of vegan vegetable noodles, egg rolls and sliced pickled onion & cucumbers plus a cucumber water beverage.

More to our liking was the bakery with some delicious cinnamon rolls, brownies, chocolate chip & oatmeal raisin cookies or their golden fried pies for an extra price.

We found that there were several places to sit or get something to drink. The seating was a blessing. We listened to bluegrass bands and other singing groups performing in their open air Opry Barn.

Deputy Sheriff Barney was there too!

The 95° heat made us so tired, hot and thirsty that we did not want to stay to see all the vendors merchandise.
We had driven 81 miles & even though the festival was very well organized, it was just too hot of a day.
We did not actually get to the seed store but we plan to come back another time.
The air conditioner in the car beckoning us was too strong.
A few hours at home and some cold drinks made for a lazy TV evening.
All Is Good In The Neighborhood!