Yesterday's goal was trying to to keep a young girl busy while she went through her first Father's Day without her Dad.
I have to admit it was a hard day for my heart too. In this old body I've lost many people. I find that some days my heart is about as tender and shattered as hers. Remembering my own father and my husband still brings a sting.
Instead of wallowing in grief, we pushed the motorcycles out of the garage and rode over to the Hangar Kafe in Miller, MO.
I was estatic that we caught a few planes taking off and a couple of sky divers too!

Then we buzzed back down the road to the huge Relic's Antiques Store.

And... a few games at Chuck E. Cheese.
The Grand Finale was a buffet of Italian food that is always delightful.

Momma said there would be days like this...
Vickie and I went to help Pat get Ron’s bike and tent trailer road ready for Tuesday (being sold), and her and her youngest son were a absolute wreck… I felt so bad for them both! It was a hard day for sure! God bless everyone who is suffering loss right now!😢😢😢😢😢