Well to be frank: The me stuck close to the toilet 🚽 issue resolved itself!

So... This crazy lady yesterday took the Yamaha out of the garage to initially get an inspection for a renewal of my MO License two year tag.
MO does bikes with even model year on even years & odd on odd years.
My Yamaha is 2008 So... yep it's must be obtained by end of June.
I reluctantly took it to Parish Tire in Bolivar.
They were not so customer friendly last month with my wheel lug nuts issue but... Hey they do inspect motorcycles and is one of the dwindling places left around here.
There is a motorsport shop on the highway 13 & further north is Pitbull Shop but these places are appointment only.
My reluctance was definitely confirmed correctly once again.
I pulled into the parking lot and strolled into the door. The woman behind the counter was definitely not customer friendly. I did not hardly get anything out of my mouth when she bellowed: If you want that thing inspected it gonna be at least two hours. You need to go somewhere else. Wow... Kinda Rude Delivery!
I am determined now that I won't be back there for anything ever again! 😡
My next choice was to rolled on down south highway 13 to Gene's Gallery in Springfield.

Greg (actual owner) is always friendly & helpful.

There is not much to an inspection anyway but to visually look at tire tread, brake pads wear level, lights & horn working.
Greg took not even a couple minutes at most to obtain inspection pad and then look at everything visually.
This was easy money because it can be seen that tires are new, brake pads are good, lights and horn work correctly. Boom it was done and a quick $10. Fee was made.
I was feeling better with friendly chatter with Greg.
Paperwork in pocket so I rolled on down the highway to give the Yamaha some more road time.
I had forgotten how much fun the two wheel ride can be.
I decided to go West... Just Zig-zagging over back roads until I found myself at Downstream Casino. Well they do have "Cool Air & Free Sodas!!

I played a few hours with the slots. Won a few $ and consumed a few Diet Cokes.
I had anticipated going to the Lunch Buffet but missed it. Their Lunch Buffet closes at 2:30 pm. I had a few more free cokes. 😅

The winning gave me an idea: Why not motor back a few miles to Joplin and stay at the Drury Inn.

Same price as the Casino but supper & breakfast meals are included.
Their evening beef sliders, hot dogs, nachos & cheese, baked beans, mac & cheese, cole slaw, salad, plus all you can drink (at least for me anyway) one beer, some other cocktail suggest by neighboring table but mostly sodas for me was the winning ticket... I was surprised tho there were no baked potatoes available!

Then I got a hot breakfast bar this morning which was good as usual.
They had real fresh squeezed tasting orange juice, gourmet coffee, milks, teas, and sodas too with all the eggs, sausage, biscuits, gravy, potatoes, multiple kinds of toasts, waffles, hot & cold cereals & muffins.

I had planned to call and maybe stop by to see my lovely friends but by the this time this morning my sunburn is beginning to really hurt.
One disappoint is that I could not find any complimentary lotion as some hotels give you.
Silly me rode yesterday with just short sleeves.
(I need to get home, get out of the sun & find some Aloe lotion as quick as possible)
Also, my impromptu trip was done in such hast that I had no change of clothes with me. Believe me my clothes stink from heat perspiration from yesterday!
I also forgot a plug charger for my phone.
I had the cable but was shocked that the Drury Inn had no direct USB lamp plugs or boxes anywhere in the rooms.
Front desk said there was a floor lamp in the lobby that had a plug in direct USB.
I was too exhausted to motor down the street to hunt / purchase an electric plug so I found a place to sit there.
About 1/2 hour later I had remembered on one of my blog's "Tues Tips" a few years ago that suggested to always look to see if your hotel's TV has a USB in the back hookups.
I found mine did have it but downside was it was only active with the TV on! 🙄
So last night I muted it and covered my head from the light in the room.
Now I know what I will include in my bike pack!!!
One good thing was that I got my Yamaha ready for another couple of years of riding and I treated myself to a mini vacation.
I'm all smiles! ☺️ But really hurting! 😢
Jack & Toni, I'll contact you & be back your way another day!
All I can think about now is collapsing into my recliner at home... I am so miserable and have a few more hours in the heat & sun yet to go!
Later Alligators