So it's my granddaughter's Freezer Strawberries Jam Making Day!
I’d like to mentioned how spoiled I was growing up with a mom who made everything, and I mean everything, from scratch! I can honestly say that I’ve never had to eat store-bough jam much, and I’ve become so accustomed to delicious homemade jam–like the Strawberry Freezer Jam we're making today that I can’t even really stand the other stuff!
I don’t really feel bad about being a jam snob, however, because it’s SOO easy to make! Take any fruit Jam can be made in under thirty minutes! Simple, delicious, and super easy!
So how will we make strawberry jam?
I can confidently say this Strawberry Freezer Jam is the best and easiest I’ll ever make! It’s perfectly sweet, made in about 30-minutes, lasts in the freezer for up to 1 year!
And... only requires 4 ingredients: fresh strawberries, sugar, water and fruit pectin (I use the Surejell brand)!
Ok The Actual Recipe: Ingredients
▢2 cups crushed strawberries (about 1 qt. fully ripe strawberries, stems removed)
▢4 cups granulated sugar
▢3/4 cup water
▢1 box Pectin
▢Containers to put the jam in – I like to use half-pint mason jars
Rinse and dry the containers you’d like to put the jam in (enough for 5 cups). I always use glass mason jars but plastic containers work great also. This recipe fills 5-6 half pint jars.
In a food processor add strawberries and pulse just a few times, until strawberries are well diced, but not totally mashed.
Measure exactly 2 cups of strawberries into a large bowl. (It’s really important to measure the berries and sugar exactly, or the jam will not set properly.)
Add the sugar, one cup at a time, stirring really well after each addition. Let stand for 10 min., stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, add water and pectin package to a small saucepan.
Bring to a boil over high heat, p⁰Lstirring constantly.
Once boiling, stir for 1 min. Remove from heat and add it to the strawberry mixture.
Stir mixture really well, for several minutes, until sugar is well dissolved.
Fill containers with jam and leave 1/2” of head-space at the top.
Cover with lids and allow to stand at room temperature for 24 hours.
After 24 hours you can store jam in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks or freeze it for up to 1 year!
It so easy and Fun... Try It!!!
Y’all are steadily making precious memories! God bless you all!