There are many woes that come with moving. You have to purchase new internet and have it installed properly (a must nowdays with streaming), you have to have mail forwarded to your new address before you don't get that important bill, you need to turn on landline phone for the rural area (cells phones are still worthless there). Also, don't forget food you need that too, Then there is the packing and unpacking, then you find out your have to fix the things that you never fix before you left. You realize that you forgot to label the boxes but its not like you want to have pans to cook with anyway since you are so tired you could drop.
The woes that come with moving are extremely heavy and tiring. It takes all you have to merely move your things in and it takes any reserve energy and money to keep yourself afloat. This is the feeling many people get when they are moving. What I have explained may just be what has been happening with me, but it is not just me. All around the country people are moving into new places and as the season of college move-ins & outs has arrived many young people are moving into a new place for the first time.
It is a big step as the woes hit you like homesickness for a time long gone. Boxes represent memories and you find you hold back the tears.
For me it was the freedom to get to go back home to a place I loved but left so long ago. Freedom and the ability to decide for myself what path I desire to take & try to revive the part of me that died five years ago.
God has given many others and me the ability to move on with my life. It is difficult and many challenges await for those of us that have moved on to another place in life. The important thing through all the woes is that I remember the reasons for the move being necessary and important. Hopefully this should be enough to keep me going through the rough times of boxes and more boxes, lugging those boxes out to carry them back in another place. This body isn't as young as it once was on all the other moves. Brooms, dust pans and scrubbing are something that I dread by the hour.
Say a prayer and wish me luck... I definitely will need it!
Yes you will and yes I will!