Jim and I returned from an amazing five days at Ozark Mountains Gathering in Arkansas.
Once I gather my thoughts and pictures I hope to share some tips and tricks for making the most of a trip to visit the beautiful twisty road of Arkansas.
Until then, I’m just needing a vacation from my vacation.
Doesn’t it work like that? Vacationing with full agenda really puts a limitation on how relaxing a vacation can be. Fun times? Busy times? Crazy times? Time spent lounging and recharging? Nope. The only thing recharging was my cell phone!
So what does a vacation with five days of hard motorcycling look like? See if this sounds familiar to you.
Pre-vacation: Pack bag with clothes for all possible events. Receive constant input and criticism from your brain warning you that you don't need all this stuff but you will forget that one item you will definitely need!
Pack second bag with snacks for the ride and hotel time. Repeatedly ask your significant other not to eat said snacks before we even leave the house. Check list of things to do. Mark off two things, add another 15 that just occurred to you. Make arrangements for mail. Realize you still have to make arrangements for medicine delivery (thank goodness for amazing neighbor/friends!) Check to be sure you have reservation number and phone numbers. Check again. Pack the band-aids & medicated powder. Seriously – you'll need them.
During trip: Cram as much fun as possible into five days, even when that means staying up past bedtime. Make everything an adventure. Deal with tears and tantrums as needed... ok that was me! (just kidding) Ride so much your bum goes numb, but still manage to carry on as necessary. Realize you did not pack any pain relief pills for those aching muscles. Smile until your cheeks hurt.
On the way home: Pile exhausted upon the motorcycle for the trip home. Brain screaming for you to stop for sustenance and bathroom break but all you want to do is to get home. Fight highway traffic on a gorgeous Saturday when everybody and his brother are out on the roads. Sing song composed of foul language in your head to entertain yourself as you maneuver through the heavy traffic.
Arrive home and manage to get all that stuff you really did not need carried into the house. Too tired to cook or eat so you scavenge the refrigerator for anything edible with no cooking involved. Oh well forget that notion... last resort is a frozen pizza and beer. Sit in dazed stupor until it's time to collapse into bed, blackout to sleep almost as you hit the bed.
The day after: Sleep late. (Unless you realize the electric bill was due yesterday and you need to get up now and pay it on-line) Continue theme of *late* throughout day – arriving 15-30 minutes later than you intended because you are still tired, coming down off vacation high, and you & everyone else is cranky. Feel ready for bedtime around 6pm but don't get to bed until 10pm. Rub sore muscles, still feel complete exhaustion, and realize the pile of work in front of you to be done this week.
Look at picture of the five days of your trip and remember that all this was so worth it. Start thinking and planning next vacation.

Got to go plan... See Ya Along The Road!
I really hope to make it next year. I have a friend who now lives in Arkansas so I’d like to bring him along too. Looks like you had fun and now deserve a vacation!