There are things I never remembered or actually never really thought about until today when an article in my news feed caught my attention...
I have always been fascinated with the field of "Law." I was even in the Pre-Law Club in College. I also attended "The Laymen's Law School" taught by The Missouri Bar Association while I was in the position of "Coorinatator" of the Casualty - Tort Division of Third Party Liability Unit of Missouri Dept Of Social Services.
The article began with the fact that,
The United States Supreme Court is perhaps the only major institution of the US government that refuses to allow its proceedings to be photographed or videotaped ever.
While audio recordings of oral arguments in the court are made, only two photos of the Supreme Court in session have ever been made.

This photo was the second one taken, in 1937 by an unknown woman described by Time magazine (which published the photo on June 7, 1937) as "an enterprising amateur, a young woman who concealed her small camera in her handbag, cutting a hole through which the lens peeped, resembling an ornament. She practiced shooting from the hip, without using the camera’s finder which was inside the purse."
The young photographer was never named and her identity still remains a mystery today.
This is also the only photo where all the 9 justices of the court are captured in the same shot during a session of the Supreme Court.
Supreme Court justices argue that the cameras adversely impact the dynamic of the proceedings.
I'm guessing that would have been embarrassing for the elderly senior Justices while they snoozed. 😉
However, recently, a number of justices have been more opened to the idea of cameras in the courtroom, possibly paving the way for a rule change in near the future.
I know I'm making ya'll snooze with my boring interests thoughts and post!
I'm Hoping Y'all Have A Wonderful Day!