Foreign languages are not my forte.
One day a few years ago I was out shopping with some friends I had made after my husband had passed.
Most were older than myself but great companions during those rough moments.
Anyway after shopping we decided to try an Italian restaurant in town. It was delicious and we all enjoyed it.
After I had paid for my meal in this adorable place, the waitress smiled and said "Grazie" Italian for "Thank You"
My Italian language skills were almost non-existent, but I knew that the Italian word for "You're Welcome" was the same name as a Spaghetti sauce.
So I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind...
"Ragu" and walked out of the restaurant.
A few parking spots later, it hit me: I had the wrong spaghetti sauce. You're Welcome is Prego! 🤣
My friends almost fell over laughing at my blunder. I was laughing so hard watching these senior citizens ladies almost pee their pants in laughter.
Oh well... At least it can be said: "I create laughter wherever I go"!