Where’s the beef?
That’s what I want to know.
With this recipe, I'm trying some cooking for something different.
I've heard it is good.
Prep Time: 5 min. Total Time: 50 min. Servings: 4 servings
I am told if you’re going to invest in a good steak, you want to make sure it is cooked to perfection and tastes superb.
The marinade in this tasty recipe delivers a tender juicy steak that sure pleased.
What You Need 1/2 cup Zesty Italian Dressing
2 boneless beef sirloin steaks (1 lb.)
1/2 cup A.1. Original Sauce
Make It
Pour dressing over steaks in shallow glass dish; turn to evenly coat. Refrigerate 30 min. to marinate.
Heat grill to medium-high heat.
Remove steaks from marinade; discard marinade.
Grill steaks 4 to 5 min. on each side or until medium doneness (160°F.)
Brush with steak sauce.
Remove from grill; let stand 10 min.
Cut diagonally across the grain into thin slices.
I've heard it mentioned that this marinade works well on a London broil cut of beef, and I'm thinking that if I likes the flavor a lot, I might try it the next time I throws a roast into the slow cooker.
“Now I’m not a cook like my Momma,” I will have to admit. I'm usually short on patience.
“Thank goodness I'm not much on all the fancy stuff you read in some recipes. Steak, potatoes, salad and a cold drink and I'm good to go.”
Try it out...