Wacky Wednesday is back once again! Here is a glimpse of 15 fun and crazy things you probably did not know. The world is full of total useless, yet entertaining AND factual information and I would be wacky not to tell you about it. There’s just two more days until the weekend, Humpday...
– Corn flakes are used to give a Butterfinger its crispy, crunchy center.
– Pound for pound, a coconut crab’s claws come down almost twice as hard as a black bear’s jaws.
– The sugar substitute saccharin is derived from coal tar.
– “Jeopardy!” episodes don’t air until months after they’re taped, and winners must wait months after their show’s air date for their prize.
– Research suggests that people eat better when their football team wins but if their team loses, unhealthy eating increases.
– In Japan, there’s a museum of rocks that look like faces.
– TV remotes are the dirtiest items in hotels, a study found.
– Drink green tea before bed to burn calories while sleeping. Green tea will also increase your metabolism.
– Apples are more efficient at waking you up in the morning than caffeine.
– Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety, and strengthens the immune system.
– A human’s natural sleep pattern is about 4 hours of sleep, then 2 hours of being awake, followed by another 4 hours of sleep.
– Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
– If you went swimming on the Moon, you would be able to walk on the water’s surface and jump out of the water like a dolphin.
– Crocodiles are fast on their feet, but cannot turn very well. If one is chasing you, run in zig zag lines.
Hope you enjoy your Wednesday...