A Few Of My Memories In Photos...

Sturgis, SD.

Cabool, MO. My first motorcycle...

Cheyenne, WY

40 Miles North Of Las Vegas...

Kern River, California

Gunnison, CO

Yermo, CA

Outside of Black Canyon City, AZ
Where I have I been...
I have been from mother's care,
From schoolyards and playgrounds, Foolish games and neighborhood friends with funny nicknames,
I am from apple trees with the country breeze,
Whose beauty twinkles when the coldness makes it freeze.
I am from school study groups, and football games.
From the Krauts and the families’ proud name of K.
I am from Thanksgiving feasts and Christmas trees.
From not wanting to wear that frilly dress, And hiding from my mother under the those bushes.
I am from the old rugged cross.
I am from Native American, English, Scottish and German people.
From spaghetti and meatballs and hamburgers with buns.
From the Civil war and from World War I & II Parades full of marching drums.
I am from the moments as a child that took my breath away...
To those moments in my child’s life that will always take my breath away.
I am from love!