Whew! The last few days has been a crazy. I actually put my nose to grindstone and did some work. 😎
First order of business was getting the yard mowed. These rains have made the lawn leap with growth.

It was added fun to move around all my accumulated trailers in order to mow.

That didn't count the 10ft. & 16 utility trailers.
Then I had the fun of burning the mountain of trash from my on going house project.
I know my aching body agreed it was time to quit at 3pm yesterday!
It was Recliner & Cold Drink Time!
Yes I know... I have to hang that picture & declutter the bookshelves. Another day is made for that!🧐

So the Kitchen & Dining Room done... Now it's on to rest of the house.
Cross my fingers my declutter and rephrasing will be completed before my body wears out.
I'm not used to the workout by redneck nation. 😂
Today I'm thinking a pause for a little midweek enjoyment & short trial run with the lil popup camper...

Later Alligator...