Today just happens to be the day the National Park Service was created...
The Organic Act was signed on August 25, 1916, it created an agency responsible for areas that has been set aside to protect scenic, natural, and historic values for the enjoyment of future generations.

Actually Yellowstone National Park was established as the first national park in 1872, even before the creation of the National Park Service. Then, the Lacey Antiquities Act of June 8, 1906, which authorized the President to reserve or establish "national monuments containing sites and structures of historic or scientific value to the Nation," protected pre-contact sites and artifacts on public land at Mesa Verde National Park.
Meanwhile, other monuments and historical areas were managed by the War Department, the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture, and the District of Columbia Office of Public Buildings and Grounds.
Therefore when the NPS was created in 1916, this new bureau was responsible for protecting the 35 national parks and monuments that were under management of the Department of the Interior at that time, as well as those yet to be established.
I tell you I Love Me some National Parks with my Senior Pass America The Beautiful Card! ❤️

Also, it's National Second Hand Wordrobe Day... This not advocating wearing tattered clothes or unhygienic clothing.
No there's a movement taking place in America that could help save us from our wasteful selves:
National Secondhand Wardrobe Day on August 25 is to promote buying clothes second hand and donating our used clothing that can create a positive cycle that is crucial for cutting back our own waste.
See ya at the thrift store! 🛍️

I can go bananas today because it's August 25, National Banana Split Day!
Gonna give my taste buds the thrill of delicious ice cream and luscious chocolate covering a fresh banana topped off with nuts, a cherry and whipped cream.
Surprisingly, the original banana split wasn’t created in an ice cream parlor but in a pharmacy in 1904. Banana splits were the brainchild of David Evans Strickler, a pharmacist’s apprentice who enjoyed experimenting with new soda fountain sundaes in his free time.
They were so popular with the college crowd that students of the day were willingly paying 10 cents, double the price of a normal sundae.
You won't have to twist my arm to try a banana split today! 😋
Y'all Have A Wonderful Friday!