This day will always be etched in my memory. You see on this day a young farmer, Clarence Undrel Hogg and a young switchboard operator, Sarah Beulah Farmer met at a Rouser Party. Shortly there after, ok... a year later they were married on August 30, 1916. (For those trying to count, that was 105 years ago.)
They borrowed a horse, buggy, reins, and harness from different friends and family to make their trek to Jefferson City, MO for their nuptial.
Their nuptial would even make it into the paper with headline, "Farmer Marries Hogg"
As they were returning home, cousin, Arthur Hogg, rode by on his horse shooting a firearm and hollering in celebration of their happy occasion. This spooked the horse causing them to break away, running off and damaging all borrowed items. This would later be told as their starting point for their lifetime bad luck with horses.
Both went by their middle names until granddaughter, Sarah Irene was born when Sarah Beulah became the elder "Sarah." She had always felt she could not use her own mother's name until she, herself, had her own namesake.
Undrel made "C" his middle initial to avoid being "C.U. Hogg".
Sarah Irene is my daughter. Sarah and Undrel were my sweet departed husband's parents... my mother & father in-laws.
Now You Know The Rest Of The Story...