As we climbed upon our Iron Horses I had our route planned to include my love for Architecture Design. You see there just happened to be a Frank Loyd Wright home built (now a museum) in Florence, AL.
The back story is that newlyweds, Stanley Rosenbaum and his wife Mildred were given a building lot and funds to build a house in Florence, Alabama for their wedding present by Stanley's parents. Both had read Frank Lloyd Wright's autobiography and a cover story on Wright in Time magazine. The Rosenbaums took up residence in September 1940 and the first photographs of the house were exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York city the following month. This house was also the childhood home of notable American film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum.
This was a delightful way to cut up the 300 mile day ride.
A surprise treasure not planned was an Alabama Covered Bridge.

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