The road awaited and we were itching to follow it to the big town of Fayetteville, Arkansas.

The meander was a slow and relaxing ride through some beautiful Ozark scenery.

We were in no hurry to be anywhere so we rode at our own relaxing pace.
Jim broke out the Goldwing this trip to give it some needed road time.
The only hiccup was my low beam on the Yamaha has burned out. I think I can make it on the high beam during the day until I get home. I already have an extra one... of course at home.

The evening meal was at Pieology Pizza.

A fantastic place where you choose your crust and all sauces & toppings of your choice are included at no additional charge. We had fun!

A pizza of our own creation.
It was yummy...

With our bellies full, the evening was an exciting lounge & tv watching in the hotel.

The excitement continues tomorrow... Lol.