“Thursday is the bridge between dreaming and doing.”
So I got out & I did!

I started off getting my monthly blood drawn before I galloped down the highway in my loaned "Ford Escape".
It was poetic as I enjoyed the scenery with the radio belting out all those oldies in my Solace.
I played hopscotch with the gas pumps at the truck stop, heard my GPS redirect a number of times while I deviated off my planned route to tip toe through the tulips before my late lunch at an old Fashioned Diner... "Babe's Drive-in."

I arrived at the perfect time... lunch crowd gone and supper crowd not quite there yet.
It lived up to it reputation of the best old school burger joint in the area, the chubby (two homemade cheeseburger patties with all the fixings) was to die for along with their onion rings. And...
Oh, boy they had me at: "We Have Peanut Butter Malts Too!"
I was sitting there as if I was in Heaven for a short few minutes it took me to gobble down the feast. 😋

They had several options besides the Chubby Cheeseburger Basket Meal.
I guess that means I'll have to come back!
It Was A Great Day In The Neighborhood!