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7/16/209 Tuesday's Treat...

Where’s the beef? That’s what every man wants to know. With this recipe, it’s me trying some cooking for Jim. I've heard it is good....

7/14/2019 A Day At The BallPark...

A reporter wanted to know where the local ball player's power surge came from. "Last year, you hit two homers and this year you have...

7/12/209 Friday Freaky Thoughts...

When you think of Grimm's fairy tales, they are deeply, deeply psychological. They're so powerful, so bloody, and really, really...

7/11/2019 Thirsty Thursdays...

Love me some cold drinks in the summer heat... but today I'll be packing that blender. Moving & boxing thing up so fix one for me. 😎...

7/10/2019... Wednesday's Weather Mysteries

Did you know that bird behavior can help us predict the weather? Closely observe nature and your feathered friends—and you might be...

7/9/2019 On this day...

It's Tuesday and I am still on my history learning mode... It seems like the corn cob pipe has been around forever. This year will mark...

7/8/2019 Monday's Blues...

Mondays are always hard even when you are retired... Today was resting from our riding yesterday. We had a full day with our iron horses...

7/7/2019 Family Sunday Memories...

A few years ago, we asked our children what they thought were some of the reasons we are very close as a family. One of the answers that...

7/5/2019 Been There, Done That...

Ever since I was a child I was loading into the car ready for adventure. My childhood was spent traveling around the country. I know I...

7/4/2019 America's 4th of July...

The Federal celebration of Independence of United States of America is observed of Fourth of July every year. It is the day when the...

7/3/2019  Summer Vacation Tales...

When I was a small youngster we spent many weekends at the lake. Upon arriving at our lake-house rental, Mom noticed that it was filthy....

7/2/2019... Sauna Days

Once again Hell's Door is Open... Or more accurately, summer is here and temperatures can soar into the nineties with very high humidity....

7/1/2019 Internet Today...

Let's start by saying I've been a happy cord cutter since six months ago. Now I am moving back to the country life and ordered Internet...

6/30/2019 Sunday's Message...

Me I will be slaving away getting moved back into my sanity of Lake and Country Living! Have Spectacular Day... Nana

6/28/2019 It's Friday...

No need for extravagance now! Mrs. Monaghan came into the newsroom to pay for her husband's obituary. She was told by the kindly newsman...

6/27/2019... Moving Is Hard

There are many woes that come with moving. You have to purchase new internet and have it installed properly (a must nowdays with...

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