3/30/2019... There You Have It...
My favorite story from my Pappy... He started smoking cigarettes—Lucky Strikes or something like that—at seventeen years old and wanted...
My favorite story from my Pappy... He started smoking cigarettes—Lucky Strikes or something like that—at seventeen years old and wanted...
I guess they call them colloquialisms. I don’t, because that word just doesn’t roll off the tongue. I call them sayings because that’s a...
I grew up at a time when every campground—and these were camps, not cottages—had an outhouse. My friend's grandparents built a camp on a...
I was a skinny kid during my younger years. I was very active as a kid, played volley ball, baseball, ran, biked and was outside most of...
Believe it or not, when I was a kid I’d sometimes tell stories that didn’t represent the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the...
I love books and even newspapers, or a good magazine. It’s not just the reading I enjoy. I love the sound & smell that a book has as...
We had the pleasure to take out on the iron horses the last couple days. I was reminded how beautiful this country is on multiple...
As some will warn this is the worse time in the history. This may as well be the end is soon, and we may need to gather supplies, make a...
Seems like every small town in America had at least one. It used to be a meeting place, a social center, a place where each day the...
Well this is what I was hoping it was going to look like today. Look, I know it’s hard to feel inspired about spring after such a brutal...
Well moving on with our motorcycling adventures. The significant other as decided to purchase into the Harley Davidson Family and is all...
Remember that time when you knocked your drink over on in the lap of your father in-law? What about the time you tripped over the dog and...
St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time, a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. I am hoping to Celebrate my...
Everything You Do is Right Day is March 16th. From what I understand it is an unofficial holiday that encourages people to believe that...
March 14th was International Pi Day. Every year March 14—3.14—celebrates the irrational number that we use to explain the relationship...
I have been riding motorcycles for almost 50 years but have not ever thought to go cyclebox. However, these creative ideas "are" growing...
Growing up our home was filled with Music. My father had a natural born talent of playing any music instrument by ear. Who knew that my...
I wish there was a photograph that showed me here with you And I could kiss the photograph and make my wish come true I wish I could hear...
I've found it to be quite awesome. I was a nerd before it had any cachet at all--I had my nose in an encyclopedia from the time I could...
Who knew that the world population were actually set by your Government to time travel. It is so easily done as we sleep beginning the...