Well the second day of this "Rodeo On The Road" was pleasantly warmer. Good thing because at the first fuel fill-up and restroom break at Tupelo, MS, my winter jacket's zipper dodad broke. I had a hard time getting it down or up. I finally rip it down and grabbed another light jacket I had brought. I still had my heated vest so it was all good. It got me to thinking about how long have I had that coat. With that thought, I guess I should not be surprised... That coat had seen some days over the "20" years I've owned it. 😅

Anyway, I took the opportunity to see Elvis Presley's birthplace while I was close by. The house is now surrounded by 15 acres of trees, lawns, and ancillary attractions, including a small museum, the church where Elvis learned to love gospel music, and a statue of Elvis at age 13, the year his family packed up and left for Memphis.
Otherwise it was a uneventful ride thru four States all within 4 hours.
I did not push the trike really hard but I was happy to get to my next night's stop... Montgomery, Alabama.
Lucky for me that I just had enough rewards points to cash in for a free One Bedroom King Suite complete with a Jacuzzi Tub. Yes I enjoyed it! 🎉
With a Grab & Go breakfast, I'm anticipating making my daughter's house before noon.
Stay tuned for more mayhem and mischief in the coming weeks...