In my life, I don’t often pause to celebrate life’s little successes.
But I’ve been enjoying getting regular reminders from, of all things, my "GPS."
One of the challenges of life is my love for family, friends and adventure that often requires me to drive to and through unfamiliar places. While that can be a lot of fun, it can also be a bit unsettling. This year, I’ve made unprecedented use of my GPS and have been most grateful for that steady, reliable (mostly – make sure you don’t run out of battery in unfamiliar territory, just saying!) electronic assistance finding my way around parts unknown. It’s gotten even better now that I’ve tried out all the voices and found one who doesn’t sound like she’s scolding me every time she needs to do some recalculating.
Besides her helping me to feel resilient when needing to change direction, she makes me feel so good when I find where I’m going by triumphantly announcing, “You have arrived!” It never fails to make me smile when I reach my destination.
It has also made me conscious of the fact that we achieve such minor (and not so minor) feats daily, but have so much on our plates that we just careen right into the next activity without pausing to feel good about what we’ve just accomplished.
So, as we move through the holiday season, I hope you’ll take a few moments to pause and reflect on what you’ve accomplished – or survived – in the past year. And then take a few more moments to feel really good about it. As the calendar is about to turn, perhaps you will resolve to pause at the end of each day to reflect on what you’ve accomplished so you can rejoice much more frequently in the coming year.
As the year comes to a close, raise a glass in celebration as you remember, or maybe note for the first time, all you’ve achieved, all the people you’ve made smile, and that, indeed, you have arrived!

And... by the way my GPS has affirmatively announced I have arrived in Florida!
I hope to spend the next five months enjoying family and making new friends along my road travels. 🎉
Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!