It has reached the news all over the State, that Missouri's Crawford County Sheriff’s Office had some surprise visitors when an officer pulled over an out-of-this-world vehicle on I-44 last Friday evening.
The vehicle: a UFO (definitely was land warp mode with wheels)!!
“It was determined that these friendly humanoids, who have come in peace, were heading further west to Roswell, NM for a special festival.
There was a brief conversation about their out of space... or rather their out of state registration, but the officer was assured they would take care of that issue when they returned to Krypton.
They were also warned about the State's strict enforcement of warp speed on the interstate and to keep their phasers on stun only while traveling." 😅
Giggles here because "Ya never know what modes of transport you'll find nowadays!"
Got To Love It!
Hope ya'll have interesting & enjoyable Monday!