4/14/2020 Spring Or Winter... We Don't Know!
Woke to a reminder that "Mother Nature Is In Charge." Be Gentle... If you must slight me, let it be the touch That snow in April, falling...
Woke to a reminder that "Mother Nature Is In Charge." Be Gentle... If you must slight me, let it be the touch That snow in April, falling...
Many moons and 37 years ago I went into the hospital and carried you out. You came into this world and family giving our life joy and...
Stay home. It is simple and clear. There is no room for error in the spread of this highly infectious virus. Gatherings both large and...
All In A Life... My Advice. My advice for those who finally are able to work after this pandemic to remember that undoubtly the job...
I am really glad to be retired now and especially since this world changing pandemic. However, in retrospect there was never a dull...
Things you wonder about... When did we get sunglasses? With a little research I found that even in prehistoric time Inuit peoples wore...
Idle minds wander to the most bizarre places sometimes... For Instance: For over a hundred years, every U.S. president has had pets in...
I had a fantastic idea the other day when I was trying to find yeast for baking some bread. At my local three stores I did not find many...
Remember the commercial, the main character, Charlie the Tuna, believes he has good taste and wants to be caught by the Tuna company. The...
It has become painfully clear that Covid-19 is both serious and spreading internationally. Now, we’re simply waiting to see just how bad...
Stuck in rush-hour traffic, I couldn’t help but stare when a burly biker wearing black leather jacket and chaps pulled up next to me on a...
If you're anything like me, you've spent quarantine so far on your couch thinking about all the traveling you can't do for the...
Yes today my post will be short and sweet because of the world event that has all of us changing our lives as we know it. People are on...
WIth all this time on my hands self isolating I have come across many articles and ideas of motivation. I have been intrigued & motivated...
Cabin fever had taken hold. I had spent 5 days locked inside the house and I confess that I have cooked more meals lately than in the...
During the Covid-19 Pandemic we are asked to refrain from gathering in groups of more than 10. This has affected many churches across the...
These last few months while traveling the Southern USA and experincing swarms of bugs on our motorcycIes & truck windshield, I was...
Our first mistake was deciding to try an adventure to self isolate in the wind with my Honda Trike. After sitting for three months it was...
If a picture paints a thousand words, then I have many novels for you... As we sit confined to our home I am reminiscence of the recent...