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8/28/2021 The Village...

In the rolling hills of the Missouri Ozarks stands a legacy to the passing of time. The homestead act in the mid-1800s encouraged the...

8/27/2021 The Buffet Lured Me...

After a few Maintenance issue were completed (as in greasing the trike's rear end, plugging in another power source plug and fixing the...

8/26/2021 Shorty Here...

Yesterday's adventure was to spend time with my youngest daughter, SIL and grandson at our local pizza place... Arris' It is sobering to...

8/25/2021 At Least There Was Spaghetti!

The Motley Crew hung closer to home, hitting the Honda dealership, which in our case is usually a disappointment. Could not even find a...

8/24/2021 Peel's Ferry & Jasper

Brand new black top for about 30 miles of this trip. The rest of the roads are in still great shape. We had very little traffic that was...

8/23/2021 A River Run Thru It...

Yesterday's ride began with Missouri Bennett Springs State Park. Bennett Spring State Park is one of Missouri’s earliest state park and ...

8/22/2021 A Little Work & Play...

Yesterday was wash day. We did not want to hunt down the barrels to hide in for the rest of the weekend. 😂 We also took time to finally...

8/21/2021 Bee-Boppin Along...

Short and sweet for today. BUSY- BUSY BEE WE ARE! The week has flown by but I'm sure getting tired of all the rain interference. We have...

8/16/2021 Getting The Heck Into Dodge...

We dodged the rain as we rode towards Dodge City, KS. A few stray droplet caught our attention but all was good by the time we reached...

8/14/2021 To Ride Or Not To Ride...

Personally, I always go. Unless I am injured, deathly ill, or fatigued to the point of physical failure, I don’t skip motorcycle rides....

8/10/2021 Two Hundredth Birthday Today...

Missouri became the 24th State, August 10, 1821. Missouri admittance was a long process. When the Missouri Territory first applied for...

8/9/2021 The Road We Take...

One of the most important things that I have learned in my almost 64 years is that life is all about choices. On every journey you take,...

8/8/2021 Back To Business Soon...

Yippie! My guys at Performance Cycle set me up good with a repair to my clutch switch & the trike has a new front tire specifically...

8/7/2021 Last Day Out...

The adventure continues as we cruise our way back home. The day was spectacular for riding with the sun hiding for most of the day....

8/6/2021 Love Remembered...

I Love You Into Infinity My Sweet Carl... Since you can’t be with us today then we’ll just close our eyes and imagine that we are...

8/4/2021 Journey Back Through Time...

Yesterday's adventure began at Gary Turner's Sinclair station. His daughter, Barbara & her husband George has a recreation of his 1930...

8/3/2021 On The Road...

Over the years I’ve learned that no matter how tough life gets, hitting the road is always a recipe for feeling great again. Sometimes...

8/2/2021 Enjoying The Brief Cool Down...

The roar of summer heat has taken a brief hiatus and I'm loving it! Laundry is done and bags are being packed. We are out of here...

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