8/1/2021 My Cooking Has Changed...
If I do cook, it's usually pasta or baked potato, veggies, a prepare salads (also available all ready to mix) or a one pot dish. The...
If I do cook, it's usually pasta or baked potato, veggies, a prepare salads (also available all ready to mix) or a one pot dish. The...
The heat wave may dissipate but the rain will flow. Nothing is worse than having plans ruined by a rainy day. Tomorrow will most likely...
Today the road will take us down to the cycle shop. Jim's Harley Davidson front tire is in need of replacement. "Wear bars are showing so...
Ahhhhh Tuesday. The day to remember all the things I didn’t get done on Monday and push them off until Wednesday. Then kid yourself that...
Since we've lived through so much recent rain, it's a joy to see the sun again. And, boy is it summer! Those days when the sidewalks melt...
It's a miracle. I finally got my new refrigerator delivered yesterday. A day later, A dollar shorter. It still took them longer than what...
Yesterday was a huge disappointment. I was up early to get ready to receive my new refrigerator that was to be delivered between 10am -...
We followed the Yellow Brick Road and found Oz... Well Ok... Twisted Oz Motorcycle Museum in Augusta, KS! http://www.twistedoz.com We...
The third day was a charm. Bikes roared over to Marquette, Kansas to see the Kansas Motorcycle Museum. http://www.ksmotorcyclemuseum.org...
Got up to a pretty yummy Hotel breakfast of biscuits & gravy, make your own waffles, cereals, toast, jelly & peanut butter, bagels &...
Began our Adventures To Oz... Started off with COFFEE & breakfast sandwich. Stopped long the way at a few antique stores in Ft. Scott......
The feet are itching, bikes are loaded and we are on roam mode to Oz. Before we are done we will be back on the yellow brick road. Stay...
A plethora of information can be found on the internet at all hours of the day and night. The following are a few tidbits of information...
For many people, even retired people, Monday is a great day to CHASE "your to do list." After the ups & down of living among the chaos of...
Yesterday was not the day we had expected. It started off good with breakfast. Then it was running to check out the dimensions again on...
I read a post from a Women In The Wind Motorcycle site... ⬇️ It got me to pondering "things." We can ask ourselves... What is really...
Everyone has heard of or I think you may have seen poison oak, ivy and sumac – vile vegetation which wreaks havoc with rashes and...
Thursdays can feel a bit tiring and boring after a long week but at the same time, Thursdays can also bring some peace and refreshing...
I'm jumping for joy that the rain has stopped. Yesterday I decided to let the yard dry out for a day before I mowed. Boy, it was a...
No preaching but... I've got to preach on these issues! I've said it before & I will say it again... Almost everyone with a motorcycle...