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6/6/2022 The Girl's Road Trip...

This week screamed "Road Trip!" The map lead us to our first stop... Eureka Springs, a city in the Ozark Mountains in northwest...

6/5/2022 On The Red Carpet...

Red Carpet meets Oscar, meets Cannes Film Festival, meets Sato48! It was a red carpet night at The Gilloiz Theater... SATO48 is the...

6/4/2022 Mildred's Best Carrot Cake

The other day we were eating at at the local Golden Corral Buffet. As usual I ended the meal with the Carrot Cake. I'm always reminisce...

6/3/2022 Throwback Friday...

Back when my outside looks matched my inside beauty... Me with my nephew. Here I am, 56 years ago... The boy is my little brother. Life...

6/1/2022 A Shopping We Will Go!

After my granddaughter's successful school classes today we zipped down to buy her new glasses. I thought that she looked fabulous in...

5/31/2022 In Remembrance...

Today eight years ago I lost my other half. Grief changes shape but never ends. I realize that grief doesn’t follow the same timeline...

5/30/2022 Memorial Day...

Remember: “Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.” We owe...

5/29/2022 Memories In The Making...

We were off this morning to catch a ferry... Peel's Ferry is the last public ferry boat operating in Arkansas. The Peels Ferryboat...

5/28/2022 Another Year...

Yesterday was an early start with Castle View RV Resort Annual Membership Meeting starting at nine. 🙀 Donuts, coffee, milk and juice...

5/27/2022 Cooking With Nana

There are benefits of cooking & baking with grandchildren. The activity teaches children a skill for life. I cooked with my mother and...

5/26/2022 Clouds Gazing...

Yesterday was a beautiful day after the rain ended. There were puffy clouds and the most beautiful blue sky. I find that cloud watching...

5/25/2022 Hurry Up To Wait...

Then there was the morning we got up at the butt crack of dawn, did accountability, packed our stuff and went to wait for a person to...

5/24/2022 Life Through The Eyes of A Child...

History continues... We stopped at Old Settlers Village to show Sage these authentic log cabin restorations. After spending time with...

5/22/2022 History Lesson...

We determined that antiques and collectibles connect to every era no matter which year we were born. Most people find things in antique...

5/20/2022 Got The Cure...

The fever has begun again for road adventure but the choice of ride had a hiccup... The Goldwing's battery had a bad winter even with the...

5/19/2022 Another Great Day With The Kiddos...

Today was a busy day. I got to be chauffeur for Doctor's appointments that were scheduled for Jim & Elizabeth. There was no sickness just...

5/18/2022 Errie Thoughts Of A Future...

Today we were watching a 2013 Film called "Her." It reminded me of the intricacies of humanity that cannot be replicated, even in a world...

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