4/19/2019... Another Edition Of I Remember!
Today topic: Childhood Illnesses Back in the 60’s, life was a lot more dangerous than it is now, we just didn’t know it. Luckily, none...
Today topic: Childhood Illnesses Back in the 60’s, life was a lot more dangerous than it is now, we just didn’t know it. Luckily, none...
Flipping though the pages of the paper yesterday brought back a lot of memories. Here are some things I haven’t thought about in...
Every morning, I run out for breakfast and a cup of coffee and head back home to my laptop computer where I spend the next several hours...
Welcome! Isn’t this a fine April morning? I’m leaving for the store in just a few minutes to shop for items that I will eventually...
There I was computing my taxes this year and found that I owed $3407. I packaged up my payment and included this letter: Dear IRS:...
When I was a little girl, I was a swimming fool. The city pool was a block from our house. First of all, I think they had to drain it...
Today is a special post... My dear daughter, thirty-six years have passed from the day I first held you in my arms. It’s been an...
The older I get, the more I worry about my health. Like most young fools at 20, I thought I’d live forever—always healthy, no wrinkles,...
Speaking of murder leads me to think about my adventures a few days ago. I took a walk through a cemetery with my family. I noticed...
Men think they are being helpful by being easy going. This is actually making things harder. This is a common responses between Men &...
First, is novelty or an out of the ordinary experience. It is an enjoyable event that happens periodically, and you create an abundance...
Sorry, I am behind on yesterday's blog entry. I got delayed yesterday with riding my motorcycle. It was one beautiful day. I couldn't...
Hunting Elephants... Or... Or... Or... Have A Great Day... Smile! Nana
As a “Biker Chick,” I rode the bike, wore the clothes, belonged to motorcycle riding groups and I loved leather if I could fit into it,...
Sooner or later something happens in life that shakes you up. Overwhelming heartbreak. Unexpected money problems. Serious health scares....
This week I found out a old friend that I had lost touch with "took her own life." I understand she had been fighting depression for...
This last week we lost several members of our family. The weather is getting nicer and we will be out in larger numbers. Those that do...
Did you every wake up with a headache and some new body art (like a Hillary for President tat)? Me neither . . . honest. I was just...
As I am leaving my sweet baby girl, grandson and son in-law at the airport this quote ran through my mind like a mack truck. “Life is but...
My favorite story from my Pappy... He started smoking cigarettes—Lucky Strikes or something like that—at seventeen years old and wanted...