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4/19/2019... Another Edition Of I Remember!

Today topic:  Childhood Illnesses Back in the 60’s, life was a lot more dangerous than it is now, we just didn’t know it. Luckily, none...

4/18/2019... Dumb Things Of The Sixties!

Flipping though the pages of  the paper yesterday brought back a lot of memories.  Here are some  things I haven’t thought about in...

4/17/2019 Let's Have A Talk...

Every morning, I run out for breakfast and a cup of coffee and head back home to my laptop computer where I spend the next several hours...

4/16/2019 A View From My World...

Welcome!  Isn’t this a fine April morning?  I’m leaving for the store in just a few minutes to shop for items that I will eventually...

4/15/2019... Works For Me!

There I was computing my taxes this year and found that I owed $3407. I packaged up my payment and included this letter: Dear IRS:...

4/14/2019 Those were the days...

When I was a little girl, I was a swimming fool. The city pool was a block from our house. First of all, I think they had to drain it...

4/13/2019 Happy Birthday Baby Of Mine...

Today is a special post... My dear daughter, thirty-six years have passed from the day I first held you in my arms. It’s been an...

4/12/2019 Thirty Some Years Later...

The older I get, the more I worry about my health. Like most young fools at 20, I thought I’d live forever—always healthy, no wrinkles,...

4/11/2019 The Things I Think About...

Speaking of murder leads me to think about my adventures a few days ago. I took a walk through a cemetery with my family.  I noticed...

4/10/2019 Here Is The Problem...

Men think they are being helpful by being easy going. This is actually making things harder. This is a common responses between Men &...

4/8/2010 Eat, Sleep, and Ride...

Sorry, I am behind on yesterday's blog entry. I got delayed yesterday with riding my motorcycle. It was one beautiful day. I couldn't...

4/6/2019 Things I Hate...

Hunting Elephants... Or... Or... Or... Have A Great Day... Smile! Nana

4/5/2019... The Fever Over The Years

As a “Biker Chick,” I rode the bike, wore the clothes, belonged to motorcycle riding groups and I loved leather if I could fit into it,...

4/4/2019 When Life Gives You Lemons...

Sooner or later something happens in life that shakes you up. Overwhelming heartbreak. Unexpected money problems. Serious health scares....

4/3/2024 Learn To Be Happy...

This week I found out a old friend that I had lost touch with "took her own life." I understand she had been fighting depression for...

4/2/2019 A Family In Danger...

This last week we lost several members of our family. The weather is getting nicer and we will be out in larger numbers. Those that do...

3/31/2019 What I have learned...

As I am leaving my sweet baby girl, grandson and son in-law at the airport this quote ran through my mind like a mack truck. “Life is but...

3/30/2019... There You Have It...

My favorite story from my Pappy... He started smoking cigarettes—Lucky Strikes or something like that—at seventeen years old and wanted...

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